SEO A/B Testing
by Industry
In ecommerce, with the direct connection between visibility and revenue, you can outstrip your competitors by accurately measuring the scale of benefit available from different changes, testing the impact on search visibility and conversion rates, and rolling out winning changes immediately.
Travel websites have to constantly update their offering and destination information as demands take off depending on seasonality, major events, and competitive holiday packages. Implementing data-backed SEO changes at speed is vital in keeping your website relevant and gaining click-throughs from search queries for one-off business travel to family vacations.
Job websites
Jobs sites have some unique SEO challenges in the fact that their individual job listings are the pages most likely to get links, but are transient, while their job category pages are typically very sparse and search-results-like. As a result, jobs sites are particularly well-placed to benefit from SEO A/B testing.
Local listing websites
Local listings sites can often struggle to make changes in an agile way, and at scale. They are also often the perfect candidates for SEO A/B testing, as they have a large number of templated pages.
SEO Testing Case Studies
One of the best things about working in this area is the range and depth of insights we get access to as a result of all the tests our customers are running. Even better, we get to write them up and share them with you.